Our Team

Clare is the Practice Manager for Dr. Michael Wynn-Williams. When you visit our practice at Advanced Gynaecology Auckland, you'll have the opportunity to meet her at reception.

Known for her friendly and approachable manner, Clare is dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive healthcare environment for everyone. With a background in nursing, she can address any questions or concerns you may have regarding your treatment or surgery.

Clare holds a Diploma of Practice Management and is a member of PMAANZ (Practice Managers & Administrators Association of New Zealand). Her experience and qualifications contribute to the efficient operation of our practice, and she is readily available to assist you during your visit.


Dr Louise Sherman

MBBS BSc Hons (Physiology) Dip Ch FRCA FANZCA 

Louise is a Specialist Anaesthetist with an interest in gynaecology surgery and specifically surgery for endometriosis.

She earned her qualifications in the United Kingdom, gaining her FRCA (Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthesia) in 2002. In 2012, she became a FANZCA (Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthesia).

Her other interests are training to improve management of anaesthetic crisis. She is also a certified instructor of Advanced Life Support.

Dr Zarina Wong Anaesthetist

Dr Zarina Wong

BHB MBChB (Auckland) PGDipHealthSci (Bioethics) FANZCA

Zarina is a Specialist Anaesthetist trained in New Zealand, working in both private practice and in public care at Auckland City Hospital.

She has a special interest in women’s health, including obstetrics, gynaecology and pelvic pain. Her other interests include anaesthesia for breast surgery, otorhinolaryngology surgery and ophthalmology surgery.